Фрейя дефиниција првог имена

Фрейя дефиниција имена: ово име на другим језицима, варијанте правописа и изговора, женске и мушке варијанте имена Фрейя.

Дефинишите Фрейя

From Old Norse Freyja meaning "lady". This was the name of the goddess of love, beauty, war and death in Norse mythology. She claimed half of the heroes who were slain in battle and brought them to her realm of Fólkvangr. Along with her brother Фрейр and father Ньорд, she was one of the Vanir (as opposed to the Æsir). Some scholars connect her with the goddess Frigg.

This is not the usual spelling in any of the Scandinavian languages (in Sweden and Denmark it is Freja and in Norway it is Frøja) but it is the common spelling of the goddess's name in English. In the 2000s it became popular in Britain.

Да ли је Фрейя име девојке?

Да, име Фрейя има женски род.

Мушке облике имена Фрейя

Име Фрейя има слична мушка имена. Мушка имена као име Фрейя:

Одакле потиче име Фрейя?

Име Фрейя најчешће у Норсе Митхологи, Енглески.

Фрейя варијанте имена